Sunday, September 22, 2019

More Fuels

The More Fuels mod gives you the ability to use practically anything as a fuel source in a furnace. You can use items as simple as torches, cacti, or signs:
Or if you have bigger items you no longer need, you can burn these items for an incredibly long time. Things like beds, maps, fireworks and TNT will burn for several minutes giving you a heftier yield of smelted items per fuel source over standard coal.
And even more interesting with this mod is the ability to smelt rotten flesh into leather. Simply put it in the furnace with any fuel source and you’ll start to create leather. This is super handy if you happen to have an abundance of useless rotten flesh that you can ultimately make something useful out of now.
Check the wiki page here for a list of burnable resources and how long they burn for.

Craft Convenience

The Craft Convenience mod adds more functionality to standard Minecraft recipes and even improves a few. For instance, you can still craft stained blocks but now you can craft multiples up to 8 at a time. Just place the blocks to be dyed in the same crafting table surrounding a single piece of dye. This allows for gathering dyed materials at a much faster rate.
The same technique can be applied using blocks of slimeballs to make sticky pistons.
And now you can craft stairs with a much simpler recipe as well as using far less materials. Glass bottles can also be crafted with either glass panes or glass blocks. Panes yield 3 and blocks yield 8 bottles.
Even better with this mod is that you can easily upgrade your wooden tools using the proper ingots placed like the tools they represent.

The Additional Blocks Mod

This mod adds the ability to craft many different types of brick blocks with many different types of building blocks. You can now make bricks out of snow, smooth sandstone, red smooth sandstone, diorite, quartz, granite, andesite, stone and regular bricks.
Each brick pattern is now capable of forming to however you desire and each requires a different crafting recipe. This allows for many different patterns to choose from so you’re not limited by what Minecraft normally dictates.
This mod allows for a much broader spectrum of brick patterns that give you more options for your designs. Minecraft does alright with its vanilla brick patterns but this mod truly allows for maximum customization with your brick layouts. Get creative by mixing and matching brick types with similar designs.

Ender Shard

The Ender Shard mod allows you to find Endermen much easier in a survival map. All too often you may find yourself needing to find Endermen or Ender Pearls but your map just won’t generate them. Or if you do find them they are few and far between. This mod allows you to craft Enderman Eggs to spawn Endermen whenever you need them. And it starts with the Ender Shard:
So now if you desperately need Endermen, this mod will have you covered. Since so many things depend on Ender Pearls, this mod will allow you to get them without having to resort to using creative mode. Or you can just use the eggs to keep some friends around.
If you have enough diamonds and emeralds, you can also just craft Ender Pearls without the middleman of killing an Enderman. This recipe requires the use of 4 diamonds and an emerald plus 4 shards, so it is quite expensive but if you have the scratch and need the pearls then it’s well worth the trade off.

Wood Converter

The Wood Converter is a saving grace for anyone looking for a certain type of wood only to come up short or not finding the right type of trees around. In short it allows you to cycle through all different wood types just by organizing 9 in a crafting table. The order goes as follows: Oak -> Spruce -> Birch -> Jungle -> Acacia -> Dark Oak -> Oak.
So essentially this mod allows you to get any sort of wood type you could be looking for simply by crafting it! And it works the same for any wood block, sapling or block of leaves. So whether it be slabs, stairs or leaves and saplings this mod can change what you need without needing to re-craft.
You can also revert things back to their previous state. So if you need slabs or stairs to turn back into planks or planks into logs you can do that too.
This mod could definitely help you in a pinch if the nearest jungle is several hundred blocks away or you haven’t even found one at all. It’s also helpful if you happen to be in a spawn that doesn’t even contain certain biomes at all.

Throwable Torches

Throwable Torches is a simple but fantastic mod with great potential. It comes with 3 modifications to torches: slimeball, clay, or magma cream. Then all you need to do is right-click to throw wherever you want the torch to go and it will place it for you!
The slimeball and clay torches function the same but both can be used to throw at enemies for a small bit of damage. But what’s great about these torches is the ability to light up complete dark areas. So if you come across a black cave, you can quickly light the area and scan for enemies.
But the magma torch is where this mod gets really interesting. You can use it to set any mob ablaze. This is a great defense especially if you previously used the torch to light an area containing the very mob about to attack.

Simple Refinement

The Simple Refinement mod is a great way to bridge the gap between iron/gold ores and diamond. This simple mod allows you to smelt iron and gold one more time to become “refined”.
What this means is that these will now retain a 50% increase in durability when used in tools. So while these won’t be as strong as diamond still is, they will help when you haven’t been able to find as much but iron and gold are a plenty.
This is especially helpful if you’re playing on a harder survival mode and it doesn’t give you too much of an edge over vanilla. This mod gives you just enough to help speed things along and it’ll give a slight advantage to all tools capable of being crafted with gold and iron.