Thursday, August 15, 2019

Colorful Armor

The Colorful Armor Mod gives you the ability to add color from any of the available dyes in the game to your sets of armor. It’s a simple tweak but would work well in servers as a team color or if you just want a little variety in how your armor looks.
Colored Armor
The mod makes it so coloring a piece of armor is as simple as adding whatever dye you want to it after you craft it. And you can create new colors by combining already colored armor with a different dye.
The mod also gives you the ability to change an already dyed piece of armor. There’s now a recipe to craft sponges to clean your armor off. Just craft a sponge, apply to that piece of armor and it’s now back to normal. You won’t have to throw away that piece if you’d rather it be blue than green or just back to its original state. Just clean it off and get a new dye. It’s that simple!
There’s also now a recipe to craft chain mail armor with this mod, which can also be colored. You first craft chain links from iron nuggets and form them into the respective armor shapes.
