Thursday, August 15, 2019

Jaffas and More

Jaffas and more adds a ton of new foods and appliances to make your Minecraft experience a little more filling. You can now make juices and cakes and jams to stock your shelves, pantries and restaurants.
There are some new fruit trees to plant giving you lemons, plums, cocoa, bananas, and vanilla. Use these new fruits to make fruit pies and pastries or jams and juices adding new variety to your consumables. There’s even pizza!
You’ll need to craft a fruit picker to harvest fruit from the trees. It functions just like the shears but specifically for these new fruits.
You can even set up your kitchen to more realistic standards with a fridge, juicer, meat grinder and toaster. All of the items are functional, powered, and convert your fresh food into ingredients to make new foods.
And to get in the holiday spirit you can now make Christmas cookies, pastries, candy canes and presents that can actually store an item!
This mod does need an additional API to run found here.